You know those inspirational, thought-provoking posters you see at the dentist? You know, the ones with cats and puppies and cliche phrases that adorn the walls of classrooms? While cliches may lack original thought, they usually come from a place of truth.
So do this - picture a gorilla with his hand smacked on his forehead.
(Are you picturing?)
Okay good.
Now read this: Stress is not what happens to us; it’s our response to what happens. And response is something we can choose.
What a wise little gorilla, don’t you think?
But it’s so true - as business owners, we get completely wrapped up into the thousands of endless tasks and responsibilities. Even when you’re out of the office, you’re never really off duty - the mental load follows us 24/7, leaving a dreaded weight on our shoulders that never seems to lighten up.
It’s important to learn how to keep your stress at bay, not only for your quality of life and health but for the efficacy of your business. If we shift our mindset from our workload causing stress to our reaction causing stress, it puts the accountability in our court - and that’s a good thing!
Because you control your reactions, and while you may not always be in control of your workload, you can (and should) find ways to streamline your business. By putting the foundation in place to manage the demands of your clients and your office work, you’ll inevitably lighten that weight on your shoulders (don’t worry, you’ll still be super strong).
Consider the following: can you outsource any work to sub-contractors? What work could you outsource and what impact would that have on your stress and workload?
How we manage the demands of client work and the demands of office work. Can you outsource any client work to sub-contractors or office work?
Don’t worry, we know that the answer is YES, yes you can. Check out our accounting software solutions to work smarter, not harder.